Showing posts with label fishing techniques. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fishing techniques. Show all posts


Fall Fishing Tips

Fishing Tips

Fall can be some of the best fishing of the year. As the temperatures cool down to a more comfortable level, most gamefish move back into the shallows and begin to gorge in order to "stoke-up" for the long winter period of inactivity. The baitfish and shad have all spawned, producing schools of millions of young baitfish, which the gamefish gorge on. If you know a few good fall fishing tips, you can have some very memorable autumn outings.
  • A lot of aquatic vegetation, especially the grasses, begin to die-off in fall. These hold huge quantities of minnows, because the decaying vegetation attracts tons of plankton, which the minnows feed on. Larger gamefish feed on the minnows, so if you find large areas of scummy-looking dead grass, there will most likely be gamefish nearby.
  • Another way to look for fish in the fall is to watch for wheeling and diving flocks of birds, such as gulls. They are probably targeting a large school of minnows or shad near the surface. There will be gamefish underneath, savagely attacking the school from below. Many times, you can actually see the water boiling as if a school of piranhas were feeding. Cast right into the melee, and hang on. When the school disperses, look for another one. This is called Jump-Fishing.
  • In fall, wind becomes a more important factor in locating fish. It is because the baitfish will congregate on the downwind side of a body of water, so if there is a south wind, the bait fish will stack-up on the north side, and vice-verse. The gamefish will follow the baitfish.
  • In fall, fish feed at different times, and not all fish will be feeding at the same time, so the fishing may be in stages. Also, cold snaps will run fish back out to deeper water, so on especially cool days, look for fish in deeper water, near cover.
  • Here is a fall fishing tip that is often overlooked. Fly anglers use a technique called "Matching the Hatch", meaning they try to approximate the colors, shape and size of whatever bug is currently on the water. You can do the same thing with lures, by selecting ones that are similar to the local baitfish as far as size, color and action. This will increase your odds greatly, because the gamefish are used to these.
Autumn can be a very productive time of year to fish, and even more so if you learn just a few basic fall fishing tips.

Happy fishing.
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Free Fishing Tips 

Fall Fishing Tips


Gulf of Mexico Fishing Tips

Fishing Tips For The Gulf of Mexico

300 million years ago, a shift in the tectonic plates caused a huge basin to form off the coasts of what would become Mexico, and the southwest United States. The dry land there became an inland gulf when the basin filled with water from the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. You might not catch a dinosaur there today, but the Gulf of Mexico is still a good place to catch some monstrous fish.
The Gulf of Mexico, as the name suggests, lies off of the coasts of eastern Mexico, and the U.S. states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. It is bounded on the southern end by the island of Cuba. There are two outlets, the Florida Straits between Florida and Cuba, and the Yucatan Channel between Mexico and Cuba. Since it is somewhat sheltered from the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf has mild tides, but does get an occasional hurricane, some quite severe.
The Gulf of Mexico is situated along prime migratory routes for many game-fish, and is one of the worlds premier deep sea fisheries. The deepest part of the Gulf is 14, 383 feet at the Sigsby Deep, approximately 200 miles southeast of Brownsville, Tx. From most of the Gulf Coast, world class Blue-Water fishing is only a few hours away. In some places, it is possible to catch marlin and tuna, and still be able to see land. The Gulf abounds with good populations of Blue, and White Marlin, sailfish, albacore, tuna, and dorado. Inshore fisherman will discover that the Gulf has a huge population of redfish, speckled trout, various sea basses and groupers, bluefish, mackerel, bonefish and pompano. And most of these are not too hard to catch if you know a few Gulf of Mexico fishing tips.
  • For the most part, fishing for almost all species is best during the warm months of the year.
  • Yellowfin Tuna make an appearance in early spring, and the marlin, dorado, and bluefin are never far behind.
  • Trolling the Gulf with ribbonfish has produced many record marlins.
  • The Gulf coasts off of Texas and Florida are famous for calm waters, and numerous reefs, shipwrecks, and ledges. This is where snappers, and other reef-type fish hang out.
  • Fishing behind shrimp boats (especially when they are culling their catches) can result in fast and furious fishing for all species. Be sure to stay way back from them to avoid tangling up in any nets they may still have out. Always be a courteous angler.
The Gulf Coast can provide some of the best fishing you may ever have, if you keep in mind these Gulf of Mexico fishing tips.

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Gulf of Mexico Fishing Tips

Summer Fishing Tips

Summer Fishing Tips

Ah, summertime....The spawns are over, the weather is getting hot, and most fish, and people begin to get a little moody from the heat. But don't hang up your rod, just yet. While it is great to hang out at the beach, and catch some sun, there are still fish to catch. Summertime is more than just barbecues and picnics for those that know a few summer fishing tips.
When the spawns are over, bass, and crappie head back out to deeper water and sulk. Crappie will suspend at different depths without any regard to structure, and refuse to bite anything unless it almost swims into their mouth. In summertime, it's best to leave the crappie to the die-hard crappie specialists. Bass, on the other hand, still actively feed, and will congregate along drop-offs and structure in deeper water, and move into the shallows to feed in the mornings and evenings (and even sometimes at night). Sunfish may move out into a little deeper water in the heat of the day, but most of them will just look for some shade from overhanging vegetation. They like to sit under trees and wait for bugs to fall in the water, giving them a free meal. Striped and White bass will cruise the lakes and rivers looking for schools of shad, and pother bait-fish to dine on, and will stage off of sandy points in morning and evening. Catfish will cruise drop-offs until nightfall, then move into the shallows looking for just about anything edible.
  • In the mornings and evenings, bass are very susceptible to a top-water cast near cover. Good choices are Pop Rs, Billy Basses, and Heddon Chuggers. At night, black Jitterbugs and Hula-Poppers can be deadly.
  • During the day, try working diving crankbaits along ledges and channels for largemouth bass. Bagleys Diving Bs, and Rapalas work very well for this. Jigs are also a good choice.
  • To get the most bang for your buck, try flyfishing for bluegills. Cast tiny poppers, dry flies, or especially terrestrials under overhanging trees, and into the shadows. These little pugs will pounce on flies, especially anything that looks like a cricket, spider or ant.
  • To find striped and white bass, look for flocks of diving birds. Likely as not, right underneath them will be large schools of bait-fish, and underneath them will be schools of bass. Drive your boat to within casting distance and throw your lures directly into the boiling water. When the action slows down, just wait a bit, and they will re-surface nearby, or you can just look for another school. This is called Jump-Fishing.
Summertime doesn't have to be downtime for fishing, if you learn a few good summer fishing tips.
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Happy fishing.

Summer Fishing Tips

Carp Fishing Tips

In the U.S., one of the best kept secrets in the fishing world is that carp are outstanding fish, both to catch, and to eat. Carp have been prized both as a commercial food-fish, and a sport-fish in Europe for hundreds of years, but for some reason, in the U.S., they are unfairly maligned, with nicknames such as “Sewer Bass”. This is a derogatory reference to the fact that carp are incredibly tough, and can tolerate water uninhabitable to any other fish.
Carp can get quite large, oftentimes topping 60 pounds or more. On light tackle, they make screaming runs that would make a bonefish proud, leap from the water in high jumps that a tarpon would think twice about, and slug it out below the surface like a trophy bass on steroids. They have more endurance than just about any fish in freshwater, and a large carp on light tackle can easily keep you busy for a quarter-hour or more.
Carp have a firm, slightly oily flesh, similar to mackerel, with a succulent buttery-sweet taste. They have more bones than most game-fish, but filleting a carp just takes a few extra steps, easily learned with a minimum of practice. The extra trouble is more than worth it. There are few fish that taste better than smoked carp.
They are great practice for catching large bass, and bonefishing on the flats. You fish for them the same way, they fight the same, and if you lose one, there are plenty more. Just rig up and go again. Most states have very liberal creel limits on carp, and are more than happy for you to catch all you want.
There are three major species of carp in the US, the Common Carp, Grass Carp, and Bighead Carp. Grass Carp are protected through most of their range, and Bighead Carp are an invasive species making their way along the Mississippi River drainage. There are a few more minor species, but they are of little interest to anglers. Common Carp are the ones you will be targeting. Carp are super-spooky fish, with a sense of smell that a bloodhound would applaud, eyesight like a hawk, and they can hear a mosquito hiccup from 500 yards away. They are definitely a worthy adversary for any angler. You can tip the scales in your favor (slightly) by following a few carp fishing tips:
  • One of the ultimate freshwater fishing experiences is fly-fishing for carp. This is identical to flats fishing for bonefish and permit. You have to sight-fish by finding carp in the shallows, carefully and very quietly moving to within casting range, and gently dropping a Clouser Swimming Nymph, Coyote Carp Fly or other suitable pattern in the carps feeding zone, all without spooking them. One false move, and the water will literally explode with large tailing fish rocketing for deeper water in an aquatic stampede. Fishing doesn't get any better than this. Make sure you keep the sun in front of you to avoid casting a shadow on the water. Be careful not to 'line' the fish by casting directly over one. If this happens, you will find out that it is possible for a large object to instantly disappear right before your eyes.
  • The most common method for taking carp is by still-fishing with dough bait. You can buy commercial dough bait, or make it yourself. Carp are easy to please in that respect. Use very small hooks, ideally no larger than a #10 treble hook. Cover the hook completely with the bait so that it does not show at all. Use just enough weight to get it to the bottom, and use the lightest line possible, no larger than 6-pound. Slip-sinkers are best because if a carp picks the bait up and feels any resistance at all, it will spit it out just a shade faster than instantly. Leave the bail open on your reel. When a carp picks up the bait, wait until the fish begins to move off with it before engaging the bail and setting the hook. Then, hang on.....
By using a few carp fishing tips, you can transport yourself into a whole new world of fishing. Carp are everywhere, and there are always plenty of them.

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Happy fishing.

Carp Fishing Tips

Fly Tying Tips

Fly Tying Tips 

      Fly Tying has been around for a long time, mainly because it is an effective way to catch fish, but also because there is a certain artistic satisfaction from crafting a well-made fly. It is an art-form in every sense of the word. The first written reference to using an artificial fly to catch fish was in Greek Historian Aelean's commentaries on ancient Macedonia, around 200 A.D. The next real mention of tying flies was not until the Middle Ages. Believe it or not, fly tying hasn't changed much since then, maybe because it is hard to improve on perfection.  The differences in modern fly tying are due mostly to the availability of new materials, rather than revolutionary designs. The exceptions would be the Clouser Minnows, Puglisi-Style streamers, and maybe tube flies. These are truly innovative techniques. Whatever flies you decide to try, especially if you are new to the craft, these fly tying tips will make your learning curve much smoother. 

  • Materials rotating on the hook shank are always a problem. You can alleviate this aggravation by putting a good coat of head cement, and a good layer of thread wrapping on the hook shank  before you start to tie the pattern. Make sure you cover the part of the hook shank you will be tying on completely. This gives the material something to 'hang on to'. 
  • Tying on marabou can be a major pain in the neck, because it wants to go everywhere but where you want it. You can stop this by wetting it before tying it on, by dipping it in a glass of water. This makes it lay out flat and holds it together. It will dry back to it's original fluffy, swirly state quickly. 
  • If you are having problems with materials rotating on the hook shank, try putting a small drop of head cement under them before tying them on. Hold them in place with your fingers, and take a few loose wraps with the thread before cinching it down. 
  • Feathers are notorious for rotating around the hook, and spinning in place, when you are trying to tie them on. One way to stop this is when you are  trimming the quill shaft, leave a small amount of barbs on the quill, around 1/64" long, right where you will be tying them in. This will keep the feathers from rotating as you tie them down. 
  • When tying on bucktail, after stacking the fur, trim the head ends at an angle to avoid bulking up the head of the fly, and then dip the ends in head cement before tying the clump in. This helps keep the fur together, stops it from spinning on the shank, and makes for a much neater fly. Also, after tying the clump in, take a few wraps under the clump as well. This makes the bucktail ride up a bit so that it doesn't hide the flies body material. When using several colors of bucktail, take a few wraps under each clump to keep the colors separated.  This can make some striking bucktail streamers. 
  • Closed-cell foam is famous for rotating on the hook-shank. Before tying foam pieces on, brush the bottoms with head cement or super-glue, then quickly tie them on before it dries. This will make them stay where you want them. 
  • And lastly, I know half-hitches are much easier to learn, but as soon as the last hitch works loose (and it will eventually), the rest will soon follow, no matter many you put on. Always finish your fly with a good whip-finish, and a coat of head cement or lacquer (Sally Hansen's Hard-As-Nails is as good as it gets, and cheap, too....)  on the final wraps. This makes the fly as permanent as possible. In Fly-Tying competitions, that is the first thing the judges look for...a well-finished head. 

Learning how to tie your own flies has too many benefits to list here, but it's enough to say that it can provide you with a very satisfying lifetime hobby, especially if you learn a few good fly-tying tips. 

Happy fishing. 

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Fly Tying Tips

Grappling Fishing Tips

Grappling for catfish is a very ancient way of harvesting finned-food, going all the way back to the Stone Age. If you've ever had a desire to tackle fish on their terms, this is it.  
     Also known as "Noodling', grappling is simply wading dark, murky waters, sometimes neck-deep, and sticking your hands into places like rock crevices, caves, undercuts, and sunken brush, sight-unseen, and trying to locate a catfish. When you find one, you grab it by the gills, or whatever, or it grabs you, and you drag it out into open water and wrestle to the shore.  Sounds easy, huh? …..Not! Channel, Blue and Flathead catfish can get to a respectable size, and have very strong jaws. This is no picnic. This is extreme-fishing, period.  Grappling can be downright dangerous, but if you know a few grappling fishing tips, it can be a little safer. 

  • At the present time, grappling is only legal in 17 states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin, but several other states have legislation pending to legalize it within their jurisdictions. In addition, even in states where it is legal, there are bodies of water with Special Regulations that prohibit grappling, so be sure to check the local laws before grabbing catfish in an unfamiliar stream, river, pond or lake. 
  • Never go grappling alone. There are too many things that can happen. Snakebites, accidents, injuries from the fish, or even grappling a catfish big enough to hold you under. This is not a solo-sport. 
  • One of the best times to go grappling is in the spring, when catfish are spawning. Then they are in shallower water.  But keep in mind, they are also more aggressive at this time. 
  • While you are sticking your hands into holes, crevices, undercuts and brush, keep in mind that what you find is not always going to be a catfish. Muskrats, beavers and other aquatic mammals can give you nasty bite, and may carry rabies, so if you feel fur, it's best to back out quickly and look somewhere else. Likewise, snapping turtles, which can get quite large, and have the ability to remove an appendage with one bite, water moccasins (very poisonous water snakes), snakeheads (a toothy invasive fish species in some states), large salamanders (yes, they can bite viciously), and gar could also be lurking in that hideout. Try to determine what may be in the hole before you stick your hand in it. It may seem like a redundant warning, but it is probably not a good idea to go grappling in places that have populations of alligators, like southern Texas, Louisiana, and Georgia.  The alligator will probably win. 
  • Always carry a good-sized, dependable knife with you. You could get hung up in old fishing line, trot lines, or have other mishaps where a knife could save your life. I recommend a good dive knife, which can also double as a pry-bar if needed. 
  • The key to defeating gargantuan catfish, and minimizing damage to yourself. is to control the tail. You do this by wrapping your legs around the fishes body as soon as it clears the hole (while avoiding the sharp pectoral and dorsal spines). If you do not control the tail, even a modest 20 pound catfish can have it's way with you. This also stops the catfish from spinning, which is dangerous for you. Catfish have many small, abrasive teeth, and if they can spin, they can rip the hide right off of your arm. 
  • Make sure you always bring a First-Aid kit and know how to use it. Let someone know where you will be when you go out, so they have an idea where to look for you if you are late coming home. 

While serious injuries are rare while grappling, the danger does exist. But having direct contact with the fish, and the element of danger is appealing to a lot of people, more and more each day. If you decide to have a go at monster catfish, head-to-head, keep these grappling fishing tips in mind, and good luck to you. 

     Happy fishing. 
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Grappling Fishing Tips

Jug Fishing Tips

Jug fishing has been around for quite a while. It is a quick and easy way to catch a lot of fish, quickly. Most of the time, you will catch your limit of fish in a very short period of time. A jug rig is a floating plastic jug, or large foam float, with an attached running line, hooks, weight and bait. You just drop several in the water, follow them in your boat, and bring each rig in when a fish bites. That's all there is to it. This method is not legal everywhere, and even where it is legal, only catfish are allowed to harvested, so check your local laws before trying this.

The best bait for jug fishing is a live bluegill (where legal) or shad. Cut shad also works well. Chicken livers are great, if you don't mind an occasional turtle (they get ate too, in my house). My next favorite bait to live bluegill is Danny Kings Punch Bait. This stuff is almost magic at times, and stays on the hook very well. Dead minnows are also a good bait.

You can make your own jug-rigs, but there are commercial ones available that are so cheap and well-made that it's not really worth the trouble. Even Wal-Mart carries jug-rigs, ready-to-fish, for a pittance. 6 rigs are plenty. Any more and it gets hard to keep track of them on the water. Many states require you to mark each jug with your name, address and phone number, so it's a good idea to write that on the jug with a permanent marker. Another good idea is to number each jug in large dark letters. This is handy if your are baiting each one with a different bait initially. When you catch a catfish, you can tell by the number what bait you had on it, and can re-bait the others to what is working. It also helps you to be sure you haven't lost a jug rig somewhere (it happens).

It is easy to tell when you get a bite. The rigs float on their sides until a catfish bites. Then, they stand up and start moving away. This means there is a fish (or turtle, gator, or snake) on. Catch up with the jug, but keep an eye on the others. It gets crazy sometimes, when a lot of fish hit all at once. You get really busy, really fast. Pull the line in carefully until you know what's on the end. If is is a desirable aquatic resident, remove it from the hook, place it in the creel. You can then re-bait it and toss it back in. If it is is an unwanted species, carefully unhook it, and allow it to go on it's way. If the hook cannot be safely removed (large snapping turtles, snakes and gators take a dim view of having a hook in them, and would like nothing better than to take out their frustrations on the nearest thing they can reach,, cut the line as close as safely possible, and release them. It's a good idea to wear gloves when running the lines. It's not uncommon to hook some very large fish, and it can get ugly. Don't use more than 2 hooks per rig, because it gets too dangerous with more.

Jugs will last a long time if cared for. Check the lines periodically and replace when needed. Check the hooks for sharpness and sharpen them when they get dull.

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Jug Fishing Tips

Spring Fishing Tips: How to Fish in the Spring

This is a Simple Spring Fishing Tips article on some Techniques and Strategies that may help you get ready for spring time fishing. This may be pretty basic for your more advanced anglers, but they may learn something as well.

How to Fish in the Spring
In late February, when daffodils start to work their way out of the soil, it's time to get shed of the wintertime blues, and get ready for the spring fishing season. Many people regard spring as the best time of the whole year for fishing. The reason is simple…most fish spawn in spring, which means they will be both active, and concentrated, usually in shallow water. But it helps to know a few spring fishing trips before you go out.

This doesn't mean that catching fish is necessarily fool-proof. You still have to find the fish. And the spawning times for different species are staggered, so they are not all spawning at the same time. The key to finding the fish is water temperature, and bottom structure. Each species has it's own preference. Another spring fishing tip is that most species spawn in the same place every year, so you can ask the locals about good spots.

Your success in fishing starts long before you ever get near the water. Know the seasonal habits of whatever species you want to fish for. Learn the bottom topography of where you plan to fish. It's been said that 75% of fish are caught by 25% of anglers. That's because that 25% did their homework. It's also a good idea to scout for good places during the late winter. Talk to the locals at the bait shops. As a rule, anglers are a talkative lot, and share information freely. 
Make sure you have the right gear for the right fish. For crappie, light rigs are plenty, and ultra-light is even better. For bass, average catfish, and white bass, a medium rig is perfect. If you plan to go monster-hunting for trophy bass, behemouth catfish, or striped bass, you will need a heavy freshwater rig. This is also standard for fishing fast water, such as below dam tailraces. Make sure all of your gear is clean, and in good working order. It's a good time to replace lines on reels.

In spring, the water warms up first on the downwind side of lakes and ponds, so you should start there. Midday to late afternoon is the best time to fish, because the sun will have warmed the water up by then. As a rule, smaller baits work better in spring, so you should keep your offering to the smaller side of the spectrum. 

And the last spring fishing tip is; dress for the weather. It doesn't take much to suffer from exposure. Spring can bring on sudden rain showers, so always have rain gear with you. Also, cool fronts can move through without warning, so always keep a sweater or jacket with you, no matter how warm it seems.
Spring can be some of the best fishing of the year, so go out and enjoy yourself.

Happy Fishing.

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Spring Fishing Tips: How to Fish in the Spring

Crappie Fishing Tips Using Minnows

Fishing for crappie tips for using minnows as live bait.

This is a crappie fishing tips article on how to fish for crappie using minnows. This may be pretty basic for your more advanced anglers, but they may learn something as well.

Crappie Fishing Secrets

When fishing for crappie with minnows you can either go to your bait shop or department store that sells minnows or you can catch your own. There is a distinct advantage to catching your own minnows especially if it’s out of the same pond or lake or river that your fishing and that is the fact that these minnows is what the crappie are normally use to feeding on so it is found that these can be more appealing to the crappie that you are trying to catch.

Although catching your own minnows for crappie fishing is more work they can produce more bites and be a little cheaper. Store bought minnows will work and are easier.

When baiting a minnow for crappie fishing you would hook the minnow through their eyeball so that the minnow can swim freely so it acts like it is wounded. In addition, it is recommended that you use a smaller hook that is designed for crappie fishing.

Now you need to find a place that produces crappie.
Good areas to fish are brushy areas in the water. Often you can find them in schools right off the boat docks. Remember presentation and location is the keys to getting most all fish that along with good timing.

Now that you have located an area that produces crappie you want to be there at the right time of day, which is normally earlier in the morning as the sun is rising or early evening is sun setting.

Now you want to present the minnow in a manner similar to a jig in other words, you’ll have to work it a little bit. Yes, there are other crappie fishing techniques.

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In conclusion:
You can either get minnows at your local bait shop or you can catch your own which takes a little bit of work but seems to be more appealing to the crappie if caught out of the same lake, pond, or river that you are fishing.
You can find crappie near the banks in brushy areas and sometimes at the boat docks.
Hook the minnow with the crappie hook so that it swims freely like it is wounded and simply fish for crappie just like if you were jig fishing.

Good luck and good fishing

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Fishing for crappie tips for using minnows as live bait.

Wax Worms Great Bait for Bluegill Fishing

This is a fishing tips article on using wax worms for bait when going bluegill fishing. This may be pretty basic for your more advanced anglers, but they may learn something as well.

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If you like bluegill, one of the best baits that we have found for catching them is wax worms. Wax worms are live bait that you can get at your local bait shop and some department stores that sell fishing tackle and other supplies.

What are wax worms?
Wax worms are live bait that are very small and they really don’t look like a worm, they look more like a small caterpillar. These worms are small and white in color and are not as messy to deal with as dew worms.

Bluegills love wax worms
Bluegill absolutely love these wax worms so if you’re in an environment that has bigger bluegill. It is almost a must stop by your bait shop and get some wax worms.

How to fish with wax worms
The best method that we have used for fishing with wax worms is using a very small hook then feed the wax worm through the hook. Then attach a bobber about 3 feet above the hook with the wax worm on. You then would cast into the areas or location where the waters are populated with bluegills. This can be done from a boat very effectively or fishing off the bank.

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In conclusion
Wax worms are live bait that you can get at your local bait shop or department store.
Bluegill absolutely love wax worms.
Try using this live bait on a small hook and a bobber with a short poll.

Good luck and good fishing

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Rainbow Trout Fishing Tips: The Best Baits To Use For Rainbow Trout

For those of you who are interested in rainbow trout fishing tips (which you obviously are because you are reading this article) some of the best tips revolve around the type of baits to use to catch these beautiful fish. Should you use "flies", man-made bait that comes in jars, minnow plugs, live bait, or should you search the internet for a "homemade" trout bait recipe? In this article I will draw upon my twenty plus years of knowledge fishing for the beautiful fish known as the rainbow trout to outline a list of the best baits to use for rainbow trout.

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Now, I will undoubtedly leave out a bait or two, but in my experience the following baits are at the very least among the best baits that can be used for the fish that many anglers refer to as rainbows. If you don't already employ any of these trout bait choices, you should consider adding them sooner rather than later if you are interested in being a successful trout angler.

Live Worms - Live worms are a wonderful bait choice when it comes to fishing for "rainbows", particularly if you are fishing in a river. Drifting a live worm through the current of a river or stream that contains rainbow trout is a wonderful technique to use. Often referred to as drift fishing, this technique is a great way to fool hungry trout.

Insects - Insects are a major food source for this particular species of fish and while live insects are difficult (if not impossible) to use as bait for trout, artificial insects (flies) are not. Therefore artificial flies are the best way to mimic live insects and are thus great bait for rainbow trout. I realize that this fact isn't a secret as there is an entire style of fishing devoted to fishing with artificial flies called "fly fishing". However it is often assumed that spin fishermen can't use artificial flies as bait, which is a mistake. Artificial flies can be used as bait by spin fishermen by employing a small plastic sphere called a casting bubble. For spin fishermen this may be one of the best rainbow trout fishing tips that they ever receive. The bottom line is that insects are a major food source (and thus a great bait choice) when it come to fishing for rainbow trout.

Power Bait - Although often scoffed at by rainbow trout "purists", power bait is an excellent bait to use to catch rainbow trout, particularly if those trout and been "stocked". This particular trout bait is normally "still fished" in a lake or pond that has been "stocked" with rainbow trout.

Power Worms - Power worms, whether you are talking about power trout worms or "alive" night crawlers, are extruded worms that are impregnated with life like scents that fish find to be as real as live worms. Some anglers even swear that Power worms will out fish live worms when it comes to fishing for rainbow trout.

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There is little doubt that the aforementioned trout baits should be a part of any serious trout fisherman's repertoire. Are they the only bait s that can be used for our beautiful friends known as "rainbows"? Of course not, but if you haven't tried any of these baits, you probably should, sooner rather than later.

Trevor Kugler is co-founder of and an avid angler. He has more than 25 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and 15 years of business and internet experience. He currently raises his five year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country.

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High Water Fishing Tips

It doesn’t matter where you call home, high water levels we’re currently experiencing are making it tough on everyone.

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But don’t put your fishing gear away yet. High water and heavy discharge aren’t all bad when it comes to fishing. And it doesn’t mean fishing this year is over or not going to be all that good as high water opens up areas, allowing fish to move into them to spawn and to feed. The heavy discharge coming from the dams acts like a magnet, and it draws fish up stream to feed on all the new aquatic life and other food sources being washed through the gates.

Here are some tips on different kinds of fish in high water.

Put your boat along a bluff if you have one in the water you are fishing. Use several baits and presentations. The reports indicated that drifting with bottom bouncers, spinners and crawlers had accounted for good catches of walleyes. It didn’t take us long to realize that something had changed as crawlers weren’t what the fish wanted today, it would be a jig or bottom bouncer/spinner and minnow bite accounting for the majority of the fish that would be taken on this trip.

Increased flows and high water are not always bad, so don’t think because there’s high water in the lakes and increased flows into the river, fishing will be poor. If fished safely and properly, it can be some of the best fishing not only this year, but for several years down the road.

The old saying that bass move shallow in high water is very true. The first thing I try to do when going after these high-water bass is look for mudlines. Mudlines generally produce ambush spots for actively-feeding bass.

Many impoundments, usually muddy up very quickly during heavy rains, but not all areas are as muddy as others. When heading out to fish on a high water day, do some up-front research to get to the best areas. Head to the banks and bushes and wood structure, looking for breaks in the mudlines along the edges of the structure. Not all the creeks have good high water structure, but the ones that do will produce big time!

A lot of times the mudlines are just out from the shore or break around a bush or stump, and you can bet that a bass is sitting on the clearer edge waiting to feed. Look for noticeable points or indentations in mudlines around or next to visible cover. That subtle break generally occurs because of two reasons; there is a small drop around the edge of or in-between the cover or the cover itself is breaking the water flow. Whichever of these occur, you need to fish it because the small drops or current break is generally just below or next to the mudline and holding a big bass.

This is perfect setting to flip a Tightline Jig and wiggle it over the clearer edge or stroke it off a treetop along a clear point. I prefer Tightline's Wood Thumper and Grass Flipping Jigs. Both come with rattles that help bass zero in on them in limited visibility conditions.
Another effective high-water mudline tactic is to clip a single, big Colorado blade onto a 9/16-ounce Secret Weapon Quickstrike or Sidearm spinner bait, flip it back past the flooded tree line, and slow-roll it back out. Fish are alerted by the approaching lure's throbbing blade. Kill the retrieve beside every break in the mudline, stump, lay-down, or bush you pass and let that short-arm spinner bait flutter down to the bottom. Then lift it with your rod tip and swim the lure slowly to the next target. In muddy water, bass hold tight to those ambush points, and the flashing, noisy in-line blade draws strikes.
If you've not experienced the difference in-line blades can make on a spinner bait, give one a try and you'll see what I'm talking about.

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For quite a while, all it has done is rained. This has brought the already full lake several feet above summer pool. What this means for the crappie fisherman is that it will be up to the weather to determine the fishing for crappie until the high water leaves. If the weather turns bad and the temps drop and a cold front comes in the crappie fishing will be slow. But if the weather is calling for nicer weather, the crappie fishing should be stable and good. At this time of year the crappie have a natural reaction to move shallow. And with the lake at several feet above normal and a lot of new land area flooded this offers the fish like the crappie and bass a lot of new food to feed on. In some cases I have seen this cause a feeding frenzy in the shallows. This all sounds good and it can be as long as the weather is stable during this high water period. The crappie will continue to hold shallow as long as the water stays high. Then as the water returns to normal summer pool levels the crappie will move and hold on the cover. When the water is high look for things like bloomed out tree limbs that are hanging out in the water. This provides the shallow water crappie an excellent form of cover to hold on. Also the green leaves put off oxygen into the water and the tree limbs will hold a lot of small bugs for the smaller bait fish to feed on and this will move in the larger fish like the bass and crappie to feed on them. So you can see this form of shallow water cover can be a great type of area to fish during high water times. It is certainly one of my favorite types of cover to fish for crappie and some of my best and most productive crappie trips both came from fishing flooded bloomed out tree limbs in the water. The willow tree limbs seem to hold the best fishing. Once you have located this type of spot you can start with a minnow or small tube bait or curly tail grub or a doll fly. Most of the time you will only need to fish about four feet deep. Start out by placing your bait close to the outside areas of the tree limb. You can fish with or without a floater. I will use a floater in this type of cover most of the time to keep from getting hung up on the tree limb when a crappie pulls the bait under the limb. A floater will also let you have control of the depth you are fishing at and show a strike better. Fishing this type of cover can be very productive in both day and night fishing. Other types of good high water crappie fishing cover include lay down trees, brush clumps, bridge pilings, brush piles both natural and man made, standing flooded timber and boat docks. Fish all these areas in the high water for best results.

How to Choose the Right Type Fishing Rod

Choosing the right type fishing rod

This is a fishing tips article designed to help you understand the differences between fishing rods in the hope that you will have a better understanding on when to use and how to choose the type to use. This may be basic for your more advanced anglers but they may learn something as well.

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Types of Fishing Rods
Basically, there are two types of fishing rods fiberglass and graphite; both these fishing rods have their uses and strengths for different fishing situations.

The Fiberglass Rod
The fiberglass rod is more flexible, do to this flexibility this Rod is good when using crank baits or other type of jerk baits in other words when you don’t need as much sensitivity. In addition due to the flexibility of these types of fishing rods they do tend to set the hook better. (Note: This type is generally our rod of choice when  fishing for bigger fish).

The Graphite Rod
The graphite rod is stiffer and is not as flexible fiberglass rods and is generally more sensitive and a really good for when you’re using lighter bait like Jigs and when you really need to do feel them light hits from the fish. This rod would be good for panfish like crappie or bluegills or some of your smaller type fish.

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In conclusion
There are two types of basic fishing rods.
These are fiberglass and graphite rods
Both these rods have their strengths and uses.
The fiberglass is more flexible, not as sensitive and works better with crank baits.
The graphite rod is stiffer and works when you need to feel them light hits and is good for jig or fishing for crappie, bluegills or other smaller type fish…

A Few Simple Key Elements for Crappie Fishing

Crappie Fishing Secrets

First, thank you for your interest in crappie fishing tips. This fishing tip is on the basic elements for catching crappie; although these tips may be basic for your more advanced anglers, they may learn something as well.
Before you go fishing for crappie you should know a few basic elements used in crappie fishing. In this article, we will list some of the more important elements used when targeting crappie.

First, you need to know the time of year that is best for catching crappie. This usually starts in the spring but remember springtime is different in different parts of the country. An example would be springtime in the American Midwest is usually about April although springtime in the southern states starts toward end of February. Briefly, the best time to start crappie fishing is when the weather starts to warm up after the winter and will vary from location two location. Generally crappie fishing will continue until late fall or when the water in the area cools down. Crappie can be targeted in the winter when ice fishing.

When trying to find places to fish for crappie there are two methods that we find to work rather well. One is to go to the local Pro shops and asked the residence where the lakes and rivers are that contain crappie and another is to check the states resource guide to find out the lakes, rivers, and ponds that contain crappie.

Once you find a lake or river that contains crappie then we would want to know where to locate the crappie in the body of water that you are fishing. There is no surefire way for anyone to know exactly where crappie are the only thing you can do is go by where crappies normally are here are a few basic rules of thumb. Usually a crappie will be contained in shallow water less than 10 feet in depth. The shallow waters in the spring can warm up quicker so this is a good area to fish for crappie. In addition, you would want to search for shallow water that contains vegetation and timber.

When fishing for crappie the best time of day to catch them is normally in the early morning or early evening because the heat from the sun later in the day pushes the crappie into deeper water and they become less active.

When fishing for crappie the most common bait are jigs, you should have a wide variety of these jigs in different sizes colors, and styles. Other common baits used for crappie is live bait such as minnows.
It is always a good idea to have a variety of crappie fishing baits and use trial and error until you find the magic combination that the crappie are biting on.

We are strong believers in looking at the habitat of that fish and then try to mimic what they normally eat on, but this is not an exact science sometimes it is what they are not used to that gains their curiosity. So normally we will look to see if we can mimic what they normally eat on and if we are not getting a response then will try different things and hope to spark their curiosity.

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In conclusion
The best time to start crappie fishing is when the weather warms up in your area.
Ask local pro shops and residents along with using the state’s resource guide to find out the bodies of water that contain crappie.
Crappies are normally located in under 10 feet of water that contain vegetation and timber.
The best time of day to fish for crappie is in the early morning or early evening.
Common baits are jigs of variety and live minnows.
First, try to mimic their natural habitat and then try different things to spark their curiosity.

Good luck and good fishing and we hope you have success in crappie fishing.

A Few Tips for Fishing in Unfamiliar Waters

This is an article on fishing in unfamiliar streams, rivers or lakes. Some these fishing tips may be kind of basic for your more advance fishermen, but they may learn something as well.

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Get Tips From The Locals.
The first thing I do when fishing unfamiliar waters is I need to find out from the locals in the area whether the type of fish that I am fishing for can be found in the waters that are around. This holds true whether it’s fly fishing for trout or bass fishing in a lake in any unfamiliar area.

So what I will do is ask around at some of the local Pro shops and resorts in the area to find out, number one if the type of fish that I am fishing for is in the waters and I tend to try to find out the best methods that are being used in that area whether it is the type of bait or the best place to fish. Of course, I don’t always expect them to give me their secrets. But I can find enough information to know that there are the type of fish that I am fishing for in that area and maybe the best places to go.

Use The States Fishing Information Guide.
Another good idea is to get a fishing information guide from that states Department of natural resources. These guides will not only tell you the type of fish and that states area but, a lot of other valuable information pertaining to fishing. Such as the laws, limits and other valuable Information about fishing in that area. You can get these guides at a local department store the sells fishing equipment or fishing pro-shop in that area.

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In conclusion
This was just a few basic ideas on what you can try to find out, number one if your target fishes in that area and what the best techniques are for catching that type of fish from the locals.
Get that states fishing information guide from that state’s Department of natural resources to learn the laws the limits and a lot of other valuable fishing information.

Good luck and good fishing

How to Make a Texas Rig on a Plastic Worm

This is a basic fishing tip on how to make a Texas rig on a plastic worm.

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Texas rigs are commonly used in the bass fishing world and can be easily made with three basic things or four if you count the fishing line itself.

The basic things that you need for making a Texas Rig.

  1. You need a worm weight or a bullet shaped weight with a hole in the middle so that the line can go through center of the weight.
  2. You need a worm hook, note; there are various styles of these that can be used one style is the offset hook.
  3. A plastic worm of your choosing, note; this worm should fit the size and the style of the weight and the hook that are to be used.
  4. Of course, you’ll need the right fishing line of test strength for the type of fishing that you intend to do.

Now after you have these things, you will be able to make your Texas rig on a plastic worm.

How to string the Texas rig after you have all the materials.

  1. String the bullet shaped weight through the line so you have the bullet or the narrow end facing away from the worm head, this weight will move freely on the line itself.
  2. Tie your hook on the end of the fishing line.
  3. Feed the hook through the head of the plastic worm and position it so it comes out to about a quarter of an inch from the head of the worm.
  4. Now feed the hook all the way through the worm until you hit the eye of the hook.
  5. At this point you will turn the hook, so it faces the worm.
  6. Allow for some slack in the worm, about a quarter of an inch or so you’ll know because you will have a buckle in the worm toward the eye of the hook.
  7. At this point, you would hook in the plastic worm with the hooks end.  This will make it  weedless as the hook is facing the worm and not away from the worm

Here is an example of Pre-Made Texas Type Rig You Can Get From Cabelas

In conclusion
This was what you need and how to string a basic Texas rig with the plastic worm.
Texas rigs are great because they are weedless and are very effective for bass fishing.

Good luck and Good fishing

How to Make a Texas Rig on a Plastic Worm