In the U.S., one of the best kept
secrets in the fishing world is that carp are outstanding fish, both
to catch, and to eat. Carp have been prized both as a commercial
food-fish, and a sport-fish in Europe for hundreds of years, but for
some reason, in the U.S., they are unfairly maligned, with nicknames
such as “Sewer Bass”. This is a derogatory reference to the fact
that carp are incredibly tough, and can tolerate water uninhabitable
to any other fish.
Carp can get quite large,
oftentimes topping 60 pounds or more. On light tackle, they make
screaming runs that would make a bonefish proud, leap from the water
in high jumps that a tarpon would think twice about, and slug it out
below the surface like a trophy bass on steroids. They have more
endurance than just about any fish in freshwater, and a large carp on
light tackle can easily keep you busy for a quarter-hour or more.
Carp have a firm, slightly oily flesh,
similar to mackerel, with a succulent buttery-sweet taste. They have
more bones than most game-fish, but filleting a carp just takes a few
extra steps, easily learned with a minimum of practice. The extra
trouble is more than worth it. There are few fish that taste better
than smoked carp.
They are great practice for
catching large bass, and bonefishing on the flats. You fish for them
the same way, they fight the same, and if you lose one, there are
plenty more. Just rig up and go again. Most states have very liberal
creel limits on carp, and are more than happy for you to catch all
you want.
There are three major species of
carp in the US, the Common Carp, Grass Carp, and Bighead Carp. Grass
Carp are protected through most of their range, and Bighead Carp are
an invasive species making their way along the Mississippi River
drainage. There are a few more minor species, but they are of little
interest to anglers. Common Carp are the ones you will be targeting.
Carp are super-spooky fish, with a sense of smell that a bloodhound
would applaud, eyesight like a hawk, and they can hear a mosquito
hiccup from 500 yards away. They are definitely a worthy adversary
for any angler. You can tip the scales in your favor (slightly) by
following a few carp fishing tips:
- One of the ultimate freshwater fishing experiences is fly-fishing for carp. This is identical to flats fishing for bonefish and permit. You have to sight-fish by finding carp in the shallows, carefully and very quietly moving to within casting range, and gently dropping a Clouser Swimming Nymph, Coyote Carp Fly or other suitable pattern in the carps feeding zone, all without spooking them. One false move, and the water will literally explode with large tailing fish rocketing for deeper water in an aquatic stampede. Fishing doesn't get any better than this. Make sure you keep the sun in front of you to avoid casting a shadow on the water. Be careful not to 'line' the fish by casting directly over one. If this happens, you will find out that it is possible for a large object to instantly disappear right before your eyes.
- The most common method for taking carp is by still-fishing with dough bait. You can buy commercial dough bait, or make it yourself. Carp are easy to please in that respect. Use very small hooks, ideally no larger than a #10 treble hook. Cover the hook completely with the bait so that it does not show at all. Use just enough weight to get it to the bottom, and use the lightest line possible, no larger than 6-pound. Slip-sinkers are best because if a carp picks the bait up and feels any resistance at all, it will spit it out just a shade faster than instantly. Leave the bail open on your reel. When a carp picks up the bait, wait until the fish begins to move off with it before engaging the bail and setting the hook. Then, hang on.....
By using a few carp fishing tips,
you can transport yourself into a whole new world of fishing. Carp
are everywhere, and there are always plenty of them.
Happy fishing.
Carp Fishing Tips
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