If you like bluegill, one of the best baits that we have found for catching them is wax worms. Wax worms are live bait that you can get at your local bait shop and some department stores that sell fishing tackle and other supplies.
What are wax worms?
Wax worms are live bait that are very small and they really don’t look like a worm, they look more like a small caterpillar. These worms are small and white in color and are not as messy to deal with as dew worms.
Bluegills love wax worms
Bluegill absolutely love these wax worms so if you’re in an environment that has bigger bluegill. It is almost a must stop by your bait shop and get some wax worms.
How to fish with wax worms
The best method that we have used for fishing with wax worms is using a very small hook then feed the wax worm through the hook. Then attach a bobber about 3 feet above the hook with the wax worm on. You then would cast into the areas or location where the waters are populated with bluegills. This can be done from a boat very effectively or fishing off the bank.
In conclusion
Wax worms are live bait that you can get at your local bait shop or department store.
Bluegill absolutely love wax worms.
Try using this live bait on a small hook and a bobber with a short poll.
Good luck and good fishing
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