The Atlantic Ocean is the 2nd
largest ocean in the world. It runs along the east coast of Canada,
and the United States, around Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland,
Wales, western Europe, down along the east coast of South America,
and the west coast of Africa. It covers 20% of the planets surface
area. The equator divides the Atlantic Ocean into the North, and
South Atlantic Oceans. The Atlantic Ocean was formed when the
super-continent Pangea, split apart into our modern
continents, approximately 130 million years ago. It's deepest part
is 28, 230 feet deep, at the Milwaukee Deep, a part of the
Puerto Rico Trench, just 84 miles north of San Juan,
Puerto Rico.
The Atlantic is home to a wide
variety of fish. Unfortunately, this has led to the Atlantic being
the most heavily fished ocean for commercial fisheries. Many species
are in decline as a result, such as Bluefin and Yellowfin Tuna,
Atlantic Salmon, anchovies, Orangy Roughy, sablefish, sole, and cod.
But there are still plenty of fish for sport anglers. Blue Marlin,
Bluefin, Yellowfin and Bigeye Tuna, wahoo, dorado, mako shark, and
other pelagic cruisers are still readily caught throughout the
Atlantic. There are great opportunities for inshore species as well,
such as speckled trout, redfish, striped bass, and others. You can
increase your catch by learning a few Atlantic Ocean fishing tips,
before you go out.
- Redfish love marshes. Try to fish in water less than 1-1/2 feet deep when possible. Any deeper, and the redfish find too many place to hide. When the tide goes out, fish the edges of creeks and canals.
- For speckled trout, bottom -fishing with live bait is one of the best methods. Use Kahle hooks with live shrimp. Don't use any weight, but let the bait swim around freely. This drives specks insane.
- When you are vertical-fishing, nothing beats a fish-finder rig. Attach a pyramid sinker to the end of your line, then make two dropper loops, the first 18” above the weight, and the next 18” above the first loop. Now, tie on two Kahle hooks and bait them with squid or shrimp. Lower this rig to the bottom, and keep your line tight. You'll catch a lot of fish, fast this way.
- One of the best rigs for tuna is an Umbrella rig, that allows you to use 5-7 jigs, side-by-side while trolling. It resembles a school of fleeing bait-fish.
Fishing in the Atlantic Ocean can
result in some memorable catches, especially when you use some of
these Atlantic Ocean fishing tips.
Happy fishing.
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Atlantic Ocean Fishing Tips
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