This is a basic fishing tips article on how the weather can effect your bass fishing strategy. This may be basic for your more advanced anglers but they may get some ideas that can help them anyway.
Weather can be a major factor in your strategy when going bass fishing. Being able to understand how weather affects the fish can be a great ally in your fishing endeavor. Using the weather to your advantage can be the difference between having a good day and a bad day when bass fishing. So in short learn to use the weather to your advantage.
Just a couple basic examples of using weather in bass fishing.
When its cold Fish respond, slower so you need to the slower in your technique.
In the same token when the waters warmer fish will be faster so you would want to be more aggressive with your technique.
When it is windy, fish normally are more towards the top of the water when it is calm fish for go deeper. So this plays an important factor in not only the depth that you would fish but also the type of fishing lure your might use. (Note; A fish finder can be a great ally in finding bass in this situation.)
In conclusion
Understand how weather effects the environment that you are fishing in.
When the water is cold, the fish move slower and are less aggressive.
When the water is warmer, the fish are faster and more aggressive.
When it is windy the anglers more towards the top of the water.
When the water is calm, the fish go deeper.
Learn to use the weather conditions as your ally when bass fishing or any type of fishing for that matter.
Good luck and good fishing
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