
A Few Tips for Fishing in Unfamiliar Waters

This is an article on fishing in unfamiliar streams, rivers or lakes. Some these fishing tips may be kind of basic for your more advance fishermen, but they may learn something as well.

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Get Tips From The Locals.
The first thing I do when fishing unfamiliar waters is I need to find out from the locals in the area whether the type of fish that I am fishing for can be found in the waters that are around. This holds true whether it’s fly fishing for trout or bass fishing in a lake in any unfamiliar area.

So what I will do is ask around at some of the local Pro shops and resorts in the area to find out, number one if the type of fish that I am fishing for is in the waters and I tend to try to find out the best methods that are being used in that area whether it is the type of bait or the best place to fish. Of course, I don’t always expect them to give me their secrets. But I can find enough information to know that there are the type of fish that I am fishing for in that area and maybe the best places to go.

Use The States Fishing Information Guide.
Another good idea is to get a fishing information guide from that states Department of natural resources. These guides will not only tell you the type of fish and that states area but, a lot of other valuable information pertaining to fishing. Such as the laws, limits and other valuable Information about fishing in that area. You can get these guides at a local department store the sells fishing equipment or fishing pro-shop in that area.

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In conclusion
This was just a few basic ideas on what you can try to find out, number one if your target fishes in that area and what the best techniques are for catching that type of fish from the locals.
Get that states fishing information guide from that state’s Department of natural resources to learn the laws the limits and a lot of other valuable fishing information.

Good luck and good fishing

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