Remember one important key factor when fishing with lures especially when the water is not clear is using lures that make sound. Some will make a popping sound others will make other sounds with their tails, and some have little plastic pellets or Bee Bees inside them. A couple examples I can think of are spinner baits and the HULA poppers.
The sound the fishing lure makes can be designed to do a couple of different things, one would be to mimic what’s already in the water that they normally feed on, another would be that the fish can hear this popping, blurping, or clicking sound that the lure is making and makes them curious in addition to getting their attention. This is good when the fish cannot actually see the bait that you’re using an example would be in murky water.
In addition, when fishing with lures that make sound even just small changes in the same style of lure can make the difference between catching fish and not catching fish.
Even adjusting your lure to change the sound just a little bit can make all the difference in the world. It has been said that the sound of your lure can be more important than the color of it in many incidences.

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In conclusion
Experiment with sound of your fishing lure.
Some lures make a popping, clicking, or blurping sound.
Making small adjustments to the lure you are using can be all the difference need.
Try changing the sound of your lure when fishing before trying to change color or type.
Good Luck and Good
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